is not the first time the Turkish

This is not the first time the Turkish government, the PKK, and the broader Kurdish movement in Turkey have attempted to reach a peace deal. Previous peace efforts between 2009 and 2015 ultimately failed, leaving Kurdish grievances unresolved and prompting Turkey to launch military campaigns against PKK positions in Iraq. The latest signs of renewe

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facing harsh scrutiny from both

It is evident that South Korean society has certain shortcomings that contribute to the brutal public shaming of celebrities, which often leads them to see self-destruction as the only way out. Celebrity culture in South Korea is ruthless, with actors, singers, and models facing harsh scrutiny from both their managers and the public. While famous i

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assert that there is a praxeological

I do not believe it is forcing the interpretation if we assert that there is a praxeological truth implicit in his notion of contracts. He says that there is a private right if A considers himself satisfied with what he receives from B and B considers himself satisfied with what he receives from A. This does not simply point to the subjective theor

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other hand, non-federal customers

Federal agencies are protective of the spectrum they use and generally lack incentives to free up frequencies for more efficient uses. The federal government has no market mechanism to assess which federal spectrum is worth keeping and which would be better transferred to non-federal use in exchange for auction receipts. On the other hand, non-fede

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violations cases where impartiality

The proposed changes could affect military conduct or human rights violations cases where impartiality is crucial to ensuring justice, indicated Virdika Rizky Utama, a researcher at the Jakarta-based think-tank PARA Syndicate. “How can active-duty officers in the Attorney General’s Office remain impartial when they are still bound by military c

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